For hundreds of years navigators used the stars to get from A to B fastet way possible. While it became less important for the world it still is an amazing sight every night, but became more important for scientists and engineers.

After my dad and me have seen various spectacular photos from our own galaxy, we have decided that we are going to give it our own shot! Thanks to the website “” it’s fairly easy to find the nearest locations suitable for these particular photos! To get the best results it is very important to find a place with the least light pollution possible! Thats why we drove south to the “Sylvenstein See”, a small lake in southern bavaria.

Actualling taking the pictures is the next challenge, as the Milkway itself is very dark.

1. The surrounds must be as dark as possible, so you will need to wait.

2. To achieve light photos you will need an small aperature, long exposure time and high ISO. As the stars move though you cannot go beyond 20sec or 25sec time for one photo, if you want to have a sharp image. In our case we used the D750 of my dad with the following settings: F2.8 ISO3200 20sec.

With my APS-C camera there was no chance I could get these photos in a good quality.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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