The extract:

I am a tech-geek, generation Z Workaholic eager to innovate and learn as much as I can, whilst living my passion for IT, Aviation and the automotive sector.

Sounds interesting?

Automate. Integrate. Exaggerate.

The long version:

After moving to a small city next to Munich four big interests and passions have evolved over time.

Aviation – Computer Science – Automative Engineering – Photography

Innovation won`t stop until you do.

For long I have thought, that an Aerospace Engineering Degree would sum up these sectors as best as possible. By working as a Metrology & Testing leader for a student team, building hydrogen powered vehicles (Hydro2Motion), and by working for BMW to support with innovation projects, it has quite rapidly become clear, that my real passion wouldn`t be developing planes, but creating innovation solutions with the coolest Tech-Topics one could find. After being able to drive a few magnificient cars as the F83 BMW M4 convertible, I was sure BMW would be my happy place.

In the second semester I was offered the perfect job to persue this passion and dream. I am able to now work for probably the coolest company in this world, the BMW Group, to lead several innovation projects and to support with quality manners in the BMW plant in Regensburg. Aviation has become a free-time hobby, whilst Innovation now is my very favorite buzzword. One that I persue every single day and that has almost become an addiction, leading me to work hours and hours of my free-time, just try out cool new Machine-Learning Topics, build a greater website or improve my knowledge.

Never stop building.

A perfect opposite for long working days is my 4th passion, photography. It is awesome to calm down and work on ones creativity. Photos have also originally been the reason to create this very website.

Learn more about my professional career on LinkedIn, view my public repositories on github or throw me an email, if you have any questions.

For all interested, I share a list of projects and a few blog posts on this website.

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